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Turkmen standards information center

The main tasks of the Turkmen information center of standards

- participation in the development of state programs in the areas of standardization, metrology, certification, labor protection and subsoil;

- carrying out a unified scientific and technical policy in the institutions of the Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary", providing them with methodological advice and providing other assistance;

- together with the institutions of the Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary" participation in the development of requirements for the means of production, technology and organization of labor, guaranteeing healthy and safe working conditions for workers;

- organizing the development of standards and other regulatory documents on standardization, metrology, certification, labor protection and subsoil, carrying out scientific and practical work.

The main work carried out by the
Turkmen Information Center of Standards

- organizes the development of standards and normative documentation by working groups planned by willing ministries, departments and enterprises, as well as organizes scientific and practical work;

- maintains the state fund of standards and other regulatory documents, stores them, provides them to ministries, departments and enterprises;

- organizes training of specialists of the velayat state services on issues within the competence of the Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary", as well as ministries, departments and enterprises;

- advanced training and retraining of employees;

- carries out work on accreditation of experimental laboratories, provides technical services to departments and enterprises and attracts specialists from other organizations as an analyst;

- at enterprises and institutions carries out work on the preparation and implementation of quality system certification.

Trainings for advanced training

Standardization, product quality and state supervision over the implementation of standards

Fundamentals of metrology and metrological support

Certification of products (services), production and quality systems, accreditation and certification of experimental laboratories (centers)

Labor protection and industrial safety

Individual training of inspectors from specialists of departments

Recertification of inspection agencies

Unified system of labor protection management in the national economy of Turkmenistan


For training to improve qualification levels, you can contact the Organizational and Methodological Department of the Turkmen Information Center for Standards of the Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary".

Our address: Ashgabat city, Oguzkhan street, house 201

Phone: 39-25-36, 95-56-38 (fax)